Jam Simple Modification Almost Complete

I was so excited about receiving the grommet kit that I ripped the package open and went all in before any test runs.  Everything seemed to turn out as expected.  Total cost of the grommet kit and shipping was approximately $25.00 and now I have a grommet kit for future modifications.

 I marked the bladder port with a marker prior to punching the hole in the fabric.

Bladder port marked for the hole punch

Hole punch and vinyl base.  The vinyl base ensures a clean hole cut.  Note, the vinyl base was a few extra dollars but I wanted to make sure I got a clean cut.  It really assisted well.  You can see the mark left by the hole punch.  It was a tight fit to get the vinyl cutting board in the bladder port (it's really close to the edge as depicted in the pic)

Despite the close fit it worked well. Notice the clean cut.

punched hole

The steel base was a bit larger than I thought it would be.  At first I thought it might not fit in order to get the materiel over the top portion to allow me to set the grommet.  It ended up being okay but I did not have much margin for error.

You are looking at the Inserting Die and Setting Base  

You are looking at the Setting Base  base with half of the grommet in place and ready for the Inserting Die to set the grommet.

Here the grommet has been fully set.  It looks pretty good and the kit worked well.

 Both sides set.

Now all I need to do is get the shock cord and tie the loops in so the pack lid can attach.


If Golite was smart they would market an accessory pack lid.  i I think it adds another dimension to the pack line(s).   Total weight added to the Golite pack is 2.6oz for an additional 400 ci, not bad for a de minimis weight penalty

My next modification to the pack will be to try and gusset the front pocket.  This is going to require a bit more finesse but I'm eventually going to give it a try.


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