Milwaukee?? Why Milwaukee?!!
After hurricane Irma forced us to cancel our backpacking trip to Washington (Olympic National Park) we were really looking for a short 4/5 day trip to get away and at least feel we made an attempt at some level of rest and relaxation. So the hunt commenced. I recalled reading some online and print media and Milwaukee was one of those hidden destination cities that most people just do not contemplate when planning a vacation. I did some online research on the "interwebs" and confirmed that, Milwaukee was in fact considered one of those, not so thought of cities to visit. With hotels being reasonably priced in the city center and a direct flight from Southwest the deal was sealed!
On our first night we were greeted with unseasonably warm weather, I'm talking to the tune of high 60's low 70's that made our inaugural day all that much better! Throughout our trip we would be told by many locals that this is not, in any shape fashion of form, the regular mid October weather, matter of fact they were experiencing temp's around 15 degrees above normal. This guy was not complaining at all!
The density of restaurants, historic sites, museums and points of interest are surprisingly well concentrated within what I would call the city center - lending itself to be easily conquered by foot. Shana and I amassed nearly 40 miles of hoofing it (trekking with God given feet) in three full days, not bad but I believe a testament to how the proximity of all the attractions and sites we wanted to visit, many of those being craft breweries, and historic sites and buildings!
Clear skies and brisk night air greeted us on our first evening (bridge over the Milwaukee river).
Joan of Arc Chapel, located on the grounds of Marquette University. The church was originally constructed ~circa late 1400"s in France and relocated to Marquette university in the 60's. Plenty of history here and if the walls of that church could speak!
Their public Library was a glorious structure - Opened in 1898 it's considered French and Italian renaissance (neo-renaissance) and is a beautiful example of that period architecture (inside and out).
Churches, churches and more Churches - this is no exaggeration by any means and in all my travels I have never come across a city/town with such a high concentration of churches in such a small geographic area. Literally every 5/6 blocks their would be a church. For me this was heaven (no pun intended) and not for the value of worship but for architectural appeal and the tranquility found in the intersanctum. I will typically search out as many of these marvels and fill my sights with as many as I possibly can. So for me, Milwaukee proved to be as fulfilling as an art lover in the Louvre
Another pic of the Public Library
Just a red door.
More fun with the red door.
One of the most massive County Courthouses I have seen in my travels.
Lalumiere Hall on the Marquette campus.
Another pic of the Joan of Arc Chapel
Art deco style building - We found a few in MIlwaukee and this was one of them.
Here is another photo of the the Church of the Gesu, completed in 1894 French Gothic inspired architecture (I Love the patina).
Another church, again it seems the patina (copper) is a common design. I love the brilliant color once the copper turns!
The Mammoth County Courthouse.
For my beer drinking friends and I also consider myself, a bit, "old style".
I let T-Rex Traveling out of my sight for just a few moments and this is what he does, dammit!!! T-Rex usually accompanies me now on all my travels.
A closer look at the Joan of Arc grounds.
These two guy's (Big Head Blondie and T-Rex Traveling) , I love them!!
Huge German style brewhaus on the Milwaukee river.
Absolutely eye appealing for me, great use of space and design. I seem to always be drawn to A-pex style buildings.
Out of all the churches viewed, this one had the most unique style. For every photo I included there were at least three others I left out. Thought it might be too much church overkill.
I was really drawn to the symmetry here. Very even and balanced. The box structure in front of the Professional candle is a baptism well. It was actually about 4 feet in depth.
Large ornate tabernacle where the Eucharist is kept.
This is actually two separate buildings but the photo gives the impression of one. If you look closely you can easily see the architectural design differences.
This was taken in the interior of the Milwaukee City Hall. Some how I failed to snap a photo of the outside structure.
And, Again another church.
Nice series of successive building in an urban area just outside of the city center.
Look, another church!
Nice tile work.
Ornate tall stained glass windows in the Basilica of Josaphat.
Small alter ( Basilica of Josaphat).
Huge alter structure (one of the biggest I've seen in person) and very ornate with fine sculptured dental work detail that is hard to visualize from the photo.
This Basilica is huge. I later learned that it is only one of three Basilicas in the US and it it quite a drawn out process for Rome to designate a church a Basilica.
More Church!
And another!
Nothing like hoofing it with wingtips.
Wow, best German restaurant I have ever dined at. Even better it's been serving German cuisine for over 100 years.
Lower photo was on our way to the Pabst Blue Ribbon Brewery (for all you PBR fans) and the top photo, wll pretty self explanatory.
Yes, it's another Church
A very grand church.
That's it folks!
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